
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Family violence cycle 'breaking'

The Advertiser: Family violence cycle 'breaking' :

"'Family violence is a crime and now we're seeing that police officers are acting more professionally in the way they deal with it, by reporting these.'"

There has been a much bigger increase in the reporting of domestic violence in Victoria and thus a chance of earlier and better intervention. Domestic violence is sinister and as this article points out, people become confused in their thinking when dealing with the domestic violence cycle and then they don't report it. The sooner the better. The increased reporting is a sign we are becoming healthier as a nation. No one should live in a home that is violent. No one should be expected to and no one should have to endure it and be thinking it is okay. You can be cranky without being violent. You can be exasperated without being violent. If you make people frightened in their own home, it's wrong. As I keep saying, we get what we are prepared to accept. Thank heavens we no longer seem to be accepting violence in homes. And it doesn't mean we are wet lefties and woosie. It means we are real men and real women. Why would we approve of hitting someone instead of hugging them? Go on...go over there and give that person a big, big hug...and a big sloppy kiss if you want to. Why would I tell you to thump them? Who's the idiot??!! I suppose you could sit there demurely and keep your hands and lips to yourself and refrain from all affectionate gestures.

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