
Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Biochemist cleared of link to London bombings

Biochemist cleared of link to London bombings: report. :

"British authorities are sure that an Egyptian biochemist being questioned in Egypt has no role in the London bombings, a state-owned Egyptian newspaper reports."

Another false turn. Another life humiliated and harmed by accusation of the worst kind. People keep coming out and saying with very strong evidence and conviction that people are innocent, but they are either dead or arrested. In this inquiry a number of lives have been deeply hurt as well as the victims of the bombings and their families. Mr. Nashar is still being held. I know we need to get to the bottom of all of this. I know everyone is trying to do their best, but I can only ask what I asked the other day: while we are trying to unravel the complexity and intricacy of all of this, while we are getting our ideas and trains of thought "out there" so everyone can have a look at the ideas and then share whatever their thoughts are, while we are trying to illuminate the dark side of humanity, how much do we accept that some innocent people are being massacred in the process? I say this because if I found myself in their shoes , my family and friends would speak up as their friends and family have , but the public humiliation and the thought you have been accused of the most heinous crime, would be very difficult to recover from. I am starting to think that the notion of guilty until proven innocent is very unworthy of us. While we all think you are "it", untold damage is being done to you and yours. I know this bombing stuff is hurting us all and we are driven to get to the bottom of it. I know we are becoming obsessed because we want an answer, the irrevocable evidence that will set in motion the domino effect to reverse these insane bombings once and for all. I accept we have good intentions but I am starting to think the end doesn't justify our means. We want the real culprits because we can't stand the thought of them sitting there watching us make bungling fools of ourselves. In that sense we have to come to terms with the bungling as a human race if we know we are all on the same side trying to find those who would bomb and besmirch us. It is the who. Who is it?

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