
Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Alexis Rhodes and Louise Yaxley

Neue Westfälische:

"Zeulenroda (dpa) - Einen Tag nach dem tödlichen Unfall der australischen Radfahrerin Amy Gillett ist eine ihrer beiden schwer verletzten Team-Kolleginnen ausser Lebensgefahr. Das teilte die Polizei in Gera auf dpa-Anfrage mit, ohne den Namen der Sportlerin bekannt zu geben."

According to this report one of the two girl cyclists who were in a critical condition no longer is. The police hadn't given the reporter the name, but I assume it is Louise Yaxley they were referring to. All we can do , is what we have been doing - thinking about them and their families. It has been devastating to say the least. We are all hoping Alexis will be all right. This is so sad. The 18 year old driver who swerved across the road is not able to be questioned yet.

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