
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Tsunami post mortem

Quakes hit around globe after giant temblor / Even Alaskan volcano shuddered as ground shook as far away as 7,000 miles from the epicenter:

"'That is something we have not observed before,' said Thorne Lay, a professor of earth sciences at UC Santa Cruz and the lead author of one of the articles in Science. 'It tells us there is frictional behavior on these faults that we don't understand.'"

Quite a lot of detail in this article about how it all happened and the ramifications. Not cheering to know we are clueless, but heartening to know we have analysed it in such a meticulous fashion. We have had a year of firsts and things happening which have not happened for a long time. I do gain reassurance from knowing the experts are working on it , even though they haven't yet understood all the information.

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