
Saturday, June 04, 2005

Charity dumps Hinch for attack on Kennedy

The Australian: Charity dumps Hinch for attack on Kennedy :

"THE backlash against broadcaster Derryn Hinch has intensified, with his favourite charity dumping him over his comments about the late Graham Kennedy."

Graham Kennedy was a very special man. He was a very unique TV personality. His funeral said it all so I said nothing. His funeral was so full of respect and humour and I suppose it fitted in with Graham Kennedy that someone should be on the radio pulling him down. What Derryn Hinch forgot was that it was Graham Kennedy's moment. Derryn Hinch has also been unique and he has been known for sticking his neck out and getting things out into the open. This in itself is not a bad thing, but he seems to have lost his timing. It really doesn't matter to anyone what Graham Kennedy died of. He's dead. That is what matters. He is someone we want to honour and respect. I can well imagine Graham Kennedy coming back with some biting, pithy comment that would have had us all laughing till we cried. Graham Kennedy was uproariously funny and really broke the boundaries with television. He was incredibly spontaneous, very rude sometimes but always surprising. His funeral portrayed the rich tapestry of his life and Derryn Hinch has shown that Graham Kennedy could never be maligned or pulled down because he had such a genuine warmth. It's a bit of a concern Derryn Hinch would come out with all this stuff when there was no need and it was just irrelevant. If Graham Kennedy died of Aids, who cares? Like Rock Hudson, the man was much bigger than that and when someone like that dies, it is their moment and it's their humanity that counts.

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