
Thursday, May 05, 2005

The Bunyip

Bunyip Press

The Bunyip Press is one our oldest newspapers in SA. The first issue came out in Gawler in 1863 and the newspaper is still going and growing, serving Gawler and places like the Barossa Valley (another one of our big wine areas.)

Bunyips are also mythical creatures and we produce chcolate bunyips as an alternative to the rabbit. According to aboriginal legend bunyips are evil spirits dwelling in creeks, swamps and billabongs.

Bunyip Stamps

This might explain why the chocolate bunyips have not been big sellers.

So it is right and proper we have a bunyip blog, featuring wisdom from the waterhole:

Professor Bunyip

We also have a town in Victoria called Bunyip. One of the original towns east of Melbourne and about half way between Adelaide and Bendigo. It is a genuine old Australian town:

Bunyip, Victoria

and is not to be confused with the other old town of Minyip which was used for a series of an old TV show called The Flying Doctors:


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