
Thursday, February 09, 2006

Howard supports Abbott's pill veto

The Australian: Howard supports Abbott's pill veto :

"JOHN Howard has warned there are good reasons for the federal health minister to retain the power to veto the availability of the abortion pill RU486, as two senators acknowledged they had been influenced by their own experience of a pregnancy termination."

Personal opinion is not relevant. Abortion is legal in Australia and I believe there is a discrepancy between when a termination can still occur and when a foetus is legally defined as a human entity. It's our law. If we do not like it, we have to change our law. Abortion became legal when too many young girls were dying from blood poisoning, haemorraging and various other slow , painful ends brought about by back yard abortions. If we stop legal abortions we shall go back to that. I do not want that. The pill is something doctors need to promote or demote according to their knowledge and experience . Since abortion is legal, if the pill causes an abortion, then it just cuts out the hospital visit. Like IUDs, like thalydomide,like the Pill women will listen to their doctors. If it comes to pass that enough of them die or there are untenable side effects, then this pill along with other pills and contraptions will be left behind. At some stage we have to leave surgery behind in this millennium and we have to be consistent in the application of our laws no matter how we feel personally. If we feel strongly enough we shall lobby to have the laws changed and amended, as we always have done.

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