
Sunday, September 05, 2004


It is still cold. We marvel at the icy feel to the air. We are not used to this nor the never ending virus we all see to have. Different things..sore throats, noses, headaches, choking coughs. It just goes on and on. You think you are okay and start sneezing again and off you go into another bout of the neverending virus. Adelaide Uni French Club put on a shortened version of Le Malade Imaginaire. It was very funny and very energetic. Their acting was good and The Little Theatre lends itself well to such performances. You feel very involved. I must look out for other things at The Little Theatre. Support local. It was a good night. Lots of people are at The Show. It's our big celebration which happens at the beginning of September and you grow up in Adelaide with the sights and sounds of the Show. The show bags, the animals and rides. The wool show. It's a fashion show using our wool and is really quite good. Well worth a look and it supports our local designers and they support our wool. The neighbours were off to Christchurch yesterday and so excited . They haven't been to NZ before. They will love it. Christchurch and Adelaide are very similar but the Kiwis are very welcoming and you relax very quickly. It's like being in a big family when you are in NZ. I love it.

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