
Sunday, May 31, 2009


"GOOGLE'S ultimate rival, Microsoft, is taking on the giant search engine company with a $100 million service that will be called "Bing"."
Will people bing like they Google?  Half of Google's success is that it easily made its way into the language and lifestyle. It became very easy to Google and googling became synonymous with  searching. Google has since taken a lot of the net over and it's in the interests of growth and development of the net to have a decent rival. As soon as their is technological monopoly the whole thing bottlenecks into a sludge . The net needs competition and diversity. So I can't see myself binging but maybe there'll be a different linguistic use for bing. Truth is..I use yahoo. I just do. I rarely go to google and not because I disapprove. I just prefer to catch what is on the yahoo front page before I search.

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