
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Public Transport get me started on public transport. We still have the problem of buses leavng early or late and missing necessary connections. That can create a real problem because our buses might not come for another half hour or hour. Then we have the small matter of when the trains and buses start. If you drive around early on a Saturday morning a lot of houses are already awake at 5.30 and 6am and I don't think it's partying and insomnia. A lot of Adelaide is in retail and fresh food. They start early. If they have a 5am or 6 am start they cannot get there if they don't have a car. You are not allowed to work in Adelaide unless you have a car and the harassment you get from not having a car has to be heard to be believed. The whole state revolves around there is no sense of independence if you don't have one. No car, no income is how it goes because you cannot make those early starts and you cannot do late shifts . You can't ride a bike around. the distances are too far and it's hilly. So much for saving carbon. Then we have the situation like I had last Saturday. Had I not made the train at 3 I would have had to catch the bus...a much longer and more circuitous , inconvenient trip. I'd parked my car at the station. I don't take a car into town. We don't need the traffic in there. It stinks. It pollutes the air and it wastes money. Besides the expressway changes direction and it is cut through the Tjilbrucke Trail. More daft planning and desecration. We need a people moving city that can move people when they need to be moved and anyone should be able to work. A car doesn't improve your capacity to be a good employee.

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