
Tuesday, October 16, 2007


ABC Online: "They’re off and spinning. Each team will play to the presumed strengths of its leader and the presumed failings of the other. It will also cost a bucketload of money."

This is more like it!! Now the ABC has broadened its base and put in some really readable stuff about our current political agenda...and run up to the election. Do we want the same ole same ole? Do we want our politicians to liven up and show a bit more panache? Flair? Inspiration? Are we tired of hearing what we think? Are we sick of how serious we all are and how lacking in animation because no one listens? Well, this part of the ABC site gives you so many views. So many ideas. So many things to get your political awareness awake and working. Some of it is funny. Some of it is heartfelt but it's about US. Yes!!!!! We can hear people speaking and we can know what they think. The more we do it, the more we'll add depth and breadth to our political arena. We'll even hear competent and educated women speaking and contributing to their country and being HEARD. We'll create a wonderland of thought and idea...and then those well worn trails, that typical polly speak, will sound like the well worn ruts they are. We need to get out of the rut and on with living. We are suffocating as we are. We are much more interesting and dynamic than "they" believe. There is more to us and it than they think, so let us give them a bloomin' run for their money. Let's have fun!!

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