
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Police praise drivers

"SOUTH Australian police have been pulling over motorists just to tell them they are doing a good job, Road Safety Minister Tom Koutsantonis has revealed."
I think we'd probably have a heart attack if we got pulled over by the police!! Just die on the spot. I panic when I go through the drink driving thing and I rarely drink and not at all if I am driving. I still panic. It's not even because I have bad experiences with the police. All the police I have had to deal with have been really impressive and really nice to deal with. I don't see why people shouldn't be told they are doing well. For starters it would be nice to favour good drivers. Then it would probably be a feel good thing for the police who always have to deal with negatives. It might help them in their job. If we got used to it we might feel less intimidated but right now when I have the  police behind me I am so careful to be driving perfectly! That is a tough one.

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