
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Nathan Bock

"We'll give him as much time as he needs," Goodwin said. 
Which was generally our opinion at lunch time. We didn't think it reflected upon the team or its players. We thought the responsibility lay wholly and soley with him. When the newspapers reported that he was charged after assaulting his girlfriend, we all believed it should have read ex girlfriend. We were one on that. No one should treat another like that and when they do it should not be tolerated. We then talked about pressures on people in the limelight and how they cannot necessarily get the time to sort out their pressures and problems as we do. He needs a better way of coping and he needs to sort out what is leading to this behaviour. He is condemned by us for his behaviour not himself and now is a good chance for a young bloke to teach others how you go about putting it right and keeping it right. It made me realise how much we have changed with regard to how men treat women and that we now realise some men have problems which we need to help and that women should not be accepting in any way of violence.

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