
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

G20, NATO etc etc

"Mrs Merkel looked bemused as the Italian's call dragged on and finally opted to start the event's opening ceremony without the Italian."
In many ways Angela Merkel has come into her own during these European meetings. She has been calm, confident and smiling. She has not been put off or out by any of the things going on and has sustained a capacity to simply keep things on track and in place. The leaders have been remarkably relaxed. There have been smiles and conversations as never before. Barak Obama has walked in on the scene in a way that simply hasn't happened for a while. He has kept it simple, been human and done things like go to dinner in Prague with his wife rather than some official function. He hasn't done it to snub anyone.He has constantly shown that he just wants things to be kept simple. He has been articulate and he thinks well so he has gelled well with the Europeans who like to discuss things. Barack Obama can  seemingly fit in with anyone which is what you want in a leader and he can talk in depth and at length too. The Europeans have valued this. Kevin Rudd, our Prime Minister has also been at ease but this tour came at the end of a very tough and emotional time with the Victorian bushfires and Kevin Rudd had to help manage some unique circumstances in Australia and then leave for overseas. He probably needs a break. Similarly  Barack Obama is dealing with some tough financial stuff , his new presidency and is then put into a new Eropean political arena where he has been welcomed. It is important we value the efforts that leaders make to be normal and co operative. We are past the stage of one upmanship and these meetings have shown we can get a better level of co operation if we just let people be people, leaders or not. These meetings have been far friendlier. I should like to think we see some good come out of it. More often than not there is talk but no action.

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