
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mouse Infestation

"Queensland Health has rostered on extra staff to conduct pest control at a Darling Downs hospital after an 89-year-old nursing home resident had his ears gnawed by mice."
If this is a mouse plague then they can hit very quickly and they are everywhere. it is worse because this is an aged care home. Darling Downs is an area prone to mice. There are areas like that and the mice come in and take over. Because it is aged care they are subject to regulations and they cannot use poison. Same in schools. When people are old and frail they just cannot deal with it. I would have thought shifting them out would be a safe and better option until the hospital can get rid of the mice. They run everywhere. They won't all get trapped and they won't all get found. It is just a horrible situation. It's important we have back up plans for schools and hospitals if they are subject to infestation by anything. We need to think it through and then we need a way to move people out because this happens in some parts of Australia. You can't just let the old people and nursing staff manage. They need a plan and immediate, rational help. Discussing the situation is not helping. Fix it!

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