
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Taxi Drivers

Well, the talk of the town has most certainly been taxi drivers and their driving and their mobile phone obsession. In three different conversations we were talking about taxi drivers ont their mobiles while they are driving. In these conversations it was certainly a problem women were encountering. Firstly , it's illegal. Secondly the amount of accidents caused by drivers on mobiles is significant in SA. So we have a safety issue here as well as people flaunting the law. The worst bit though was how you manage this. Women who had asked them not to use their mobiles got roundly abused and shouted at and then the taxi drivers just kept talking on their mobiles. So then what do you do? Do you put yourself at risk and ring the police? Do you take their number and report them when you don't know who actually owns the company? Do you ask to be let out because you don't actually want to provoke an agressive person more. Not good enough but what can be done? These guys are really giving taxi drivers a bad name.

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