
Saturday, April 04, 2009

Cold Calling

I have paid for a silent number and so I do not tolerate cold calls, whatever their pathetic excuse for ringing my number. No one should call unannounced here in person or on the phone. They can leave a message on the answering machine if they are that keen to speak with me. Yesterday I was caught unawares because I wasn't well and the phone rang and I thought it was my sister. A mobile number. I don't really take in mobile numbers on the LED display. It's a miracle and fluke if I do. It was a number similar to my sister's So then someone started prattling on and all I registered was that it was not my sister."Sorry, what?" I said in my uncustomary  high pitched tone of surprise. Prattle , prattle. Normally at this stage I ask how they have my number before I hang up. " Sorry, whaaaat? Whaaat?" Was the best I could manage and then she made plain she was trying to find out if I was entitled to the Government rebate for insulation. Hit a sore point while I am sick, why don't you? I have insulation. I have water saver shower heads, I have had eco lighting for years and tried to persuade everyone else. I have been green all my life. No rebates for me, only for those who are slow on the uptake. It grates every so often. "I have insulation, thank you." I must have sounded cross. She hung up on me!!! Yes!!

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