
Friday, June 03, 2005

US may toughen airspace security

BBC NEWS | Americas | US may toughen airspace security:

"The US is considering forcing foreign planes crossing its airspace to provide lists of passengers as part of tougher guards against terrorist attacks.

Every flight entering US airspace, regardless of destination, would have to give full passenger details to be checked against US terror watch-lists."

Well, I guess you can't blame them for that:not wanting planes with passengers on their terrorist watchlist to fly over their airspace. But where does privacy end and common good and commonsense start? The Canadians on our radio today were none too happy about it so unless the US govt does some sensible talking to its neighbours , it is just going to create problems rather than alleviate them. I mean, I don't actually want to be sitting on a plane with a known terrorist on board. Nor do I want planes flying over my house with known terrorists on board. I don't anyone sitting on my plane who has a history of being dastardly. But I was getting mightly sick of all the form filling I was doing as a traveller. I know it was to help me, but it ended up being a blooming nuisance. Grin and bear it stuff. Countries have to sit down and work this out together so that people don't feel unsettled and victimised. It's called talking to people. Negotiating. I would imagine it would be fairly easy to supply a list of passengers ahead of planes leaving the airport. But maybe people wish to fly without those passenger lists being provided to another country. What are the arguments? I was actually glad when I was flying out they knew which planes I was on and where I was going because there was a bit of a muddle with flight times and it was all resolved easily at Sydney because they knew who I was and which way I should be going and they did everything within their power to keep me moving along through all the checks and balances at the airport. I was grateful for their foreknowledge because it took the strain off me. Maybe others feel differently and it was something which the Canadians were annoyed with because of the extra paperwork when they live on the same continent. I'd hate to have to fill out paperwork for each country I flew over!

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