
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Quad Burgers

Critics bite at Hungry Jack's fat stack Quad Burger | Herald Sun
A FAST-food chain's sale of a 4520-kilojoule hamburger is irresponsible and a sign the industry is ignoring health warnings about obesity, experts say.

People can seem to produce anything in the name of food these days. That is free enterprise. It comes down to us and our choices and what we are prepared to accept. Common sense may or may not prevail but as a general rule we don't eat a lot of salt and fat and these days even less so. We have made some good inroads into what good nutrition is and about time. When experts give information, then we can use it. They cannot be there to stop us putting things in our mouth, but they can give us the best information to ensure we know what we are doing.Anyone who knows anyone who has had open heart surgery, anyone who knows anyone who has clogged arteries or gall bladder problems knows that fat needs to be balanced in the diet. If the burgers are there then the nutritional experts have done the right thing by letting us know what that means in terms of what we are putting into our systems. We decide what food becomes popular and we have demonstrated that well over the last couple of years.

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