
Monday, September 29, 2008

Paul Newman

World mourns 'king of cool' Newman - ABC News
Newman is survived by his wife of 50 years Joanne Woodward, five daughters, two grandsons and his older brother, Arthur.

That says a lot about the man. He was made of enduring relationships which would have been hard in an industry such as his. My own favourite film was The Hustler. Just really enjoyed it because it was a bit different. My parents introduced him to me  and my Dad used to really like him. He just was solid. He didn't make a big deal of how good looking he was. That never went to his head. He was surrounded by beautiful women and made very lasting friends of them. His core values were to be admired. There was no fanfare and hype about him and he drew everyone in and not only entertained them, he taught them a lot about how to be a great human being without telling everyone you are great. His life was about human beings and the solid connections you can make with them. It made his relationships endure and it will make him endure.He was steadfast. Quite an accomplishment in this day and age. Paul Newman knew about class.

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