
Monday, September 29, 2008


My blog has nose dived in numbers over the last 2 weeks. Even when I don't blog I have had better numbers in the past. I changed it into the new look blog , I am using the fancy ScribeFire and it's been downhill all the way. Google searches which have been a big constant for years on my blog have dwindled, my visitors from America have disappeared and yes, they may well be worried about the state of their country and therefore absorbed in everything which is going on at home. The range of visitors has diminished. Same on my other blog which has never been so popular but now it's positively moribund. It's like sludge on this new look blog.Anyone got a good purgative for blogs? The Germans call it Verstopfung which is a brilliant word. I love German. Mein Blog is verstopft!

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