
Monday, September 08, 2008

Message to the Pollies

WA election 'a huge setback' for Labor: Tanner - ABC News
"I suspect that future premiers and indeed prime ministers contemplating early elections will take due notice from the outcomes of the two early elections that have been called over the past few months," he said.

I think you'll find it is a big, clear message to large parties. We are fed up being told. We have issues we want addressed. We want to be consulted and listened to. We do not want parties going off in their direction telling us its good for us. We are Australians and we want to be Australians...and that means giving everyone a fair go and treating people with respect. That neither main party has enough votes to form parliament is a message from the voters...treat us as equals and not as inferiors. You are not the ruling class, and Territorians made that pretty clear when there was the lowest turn out ever. We are not the underlings. We have been doing our homework and we know what matters to us. We don't want to be in wars. We want something done about the mines damaging our communities. We need something to be done about our farmers, land and water because it is part of our nation. We don't want farms bulldozed and turned into resorts. We don't want people driven off the land because the water has been mismanaged and the whole situation has been brought to crisis point through lack of planning. I am certain if you spoke with us that you would find out there are a lot of things we want to change and we are willing to do our bit to help the change. We like a team effort. This us and them has to stop. We have had it with the governments which just go ahead with what they want , talking their talk and creating atmospheres and initiatives which we don't like. We have also become aware that politicians try to manipulate situations and leave us in the lurch with voting. They see us as so many units to be manipulated. Well, two states..and Australian politics has come a long way because we have a democracy here and the people have spoken. Do not take us for granted, please.

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