
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hoon Drivers

AdelaideNow... 11 hoon cars impounded
One driver was caught doing 180km/h in a 100km/h zone, while four arrests related to excessive noise from burnouts and fishtailing, police said.

It's not just the noise. The noise is horrible but a lot of this is going on in suburbs and they are a danger to little kids and older people who are startled by the noise and then cannot react logically. A number of hoons have caused property damage because they lose control of the car and then there was the car last week which must have flown from one side of the freeway to the other because of the speed and landed and lost its wheels. I don't knwo if anyone was injured in the car they hit. ptrobably...because no one was there any more. Then there is the matter of the tyre marks, the fuel consumption,the pollution and the carbon. Appealing to common sense hasn't worked. Trying to get a level of co operation hasn't worked, trying to humour them a bit and work with them hasn't now I think we need to plant our foot and speed up the response and just shut it all down. No. Fullstop. End of story. No negotiation. Create a safe place for car racing and go there.

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