
Thursday, September 04, 2008

Hoodies banned

Hoodies, hats banned from shops | The Australian
"I don't want them to feel alienated, harassed or that they're receiving unfair treatment," Supt Kenny said.

The dress code trial is underway and it's a tricky one this. I confess I startle when I look in my rear vision mirror and I see a gaunt , pasty pale long face which is hooded. It can look eerie because the eyes are usually out of focus and it's an image I hate to see. Lots of people have been wearing hooded jackets and tops because of our freezing weather but I can understand some people will use it as a disguise so they are not identified. Is it better than panty hose over the face? The new millennium robber look? Don't we have cameras which can see through everything? It does make it easy to hide your identity, but does the banning of hooded tops between certain times seem like it is targetting a group? Lots of kids wear them, but so do adults. Part of this comes down to community responsibilty. We need to be more alert when it comes to the wrong thing being done and we need to be more prepared to act. I emailed a shopping centre over what might have been a difficulty. There was a man in the women's toilets and he did catch me by surprise and I wasn't sure if he was working there or not. The email got a really nice reply and I figured it was better to let security know and yet I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone because I was a bit rattled by the experience and felt silly I couldn't deal with technology came to the rescue. I am not sure than clothing bans will work...but it is a trial and we'll see.

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