
Saturday, September 06, 2008

Google Chrome

I am downloading Google chrome and am going to use it for the rest of the day. Quite what that means in terms of Scribe Fire , I don't know because I have become quite attached to it as a blogging tool. Google, though , has shown some good initiative and the new Firefox is not as good as the others. I thought it was just me, but some of us are finding the new Firefox has taken over a bit too much. The reason we were using Firefox was because it worked with us, so predictive text, lack of asking about clearing cache and then the "roundiness" of it , isn't what we want.

Big PS:

In the time I have used Chrome I quite like it because it's stripped down....but it doesn't have my ScribeFire so that's no good and when I was trying to upload photos on Facebook I couldn't use the easy uploader because it said I didn't have the Java plug in...which I do. Firefox does a similar thing but allowed me to check the Java version and then I could choose to upload the phots anyway. That may be a Vista problem, but I am not uploading phtos one at a time to Facebook! Chrome doesn't have the ususal home pge. it has direct access to bookmarks, your top three most used pages and then a list of other favouite pages. It's actually a good idea. I get the impression they will change it to match the needs of the community but I like how it runs light. At this stage I'll swap between Firefox and Chrome.

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