
Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Last of the Red Hot Blogging Queens

Ah, at last ...I've got the flowers on the table and I feel at home in my new space! A few times I have had my heart in my mouth. It's not easy being a blogger. Tests your courage at times. I'm glad I took the plunge and upgraded my blog through Blogger. They have made it easy and even though I have had to add my links and have been fiddling with my modest customisations, basically it's all there for you and it's so much easier to manage. My biggest act of faith and courage was getting my Haloscan comments back on tonight. Well you might ask why..since comments seem to be few and far between. Over the years I have had some great comments and the thing about my blog is people rummage through the comments pop up well after I have blogged quite often. HaloScan has made this aspect of my blogging very efficient and easy to manage. They keep it easy and simple and the good thing with this new template was they actually managed the upgrade to the new blog template automatically. I just had to upload, download and then upload. Piece of cake...but I was scared it would all fall apart! It didn't. This new blogging template is all about doing things in a twinkling...and I so love to twinkle and now I feel like a bit of a star because the whole thing has gone so smoothly. So if you are thinking about ready to put in all your links through the template editor... pick your gadgets and away you can go. The good news is , if I decide to change templates, it'll be a complete doddle. Thank heavens for new technology...and Blogger and HaloScan!

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