
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Spring Allergies

AdelaideNow... Alert as hayfever season hits early
POLLEN counts in Adelaide are up after a wetter winter and spring will further increase the risk of hay fever and asthma, experts have warned.

You always know you are back in Adelaide because you can't breathe and your nose is stuffed up. Adelaide is notorious for allergic reactions and people refuse to believe us ...and then suffer! When you go away you notice two things...your hair is all soft and beautiful because Adelaide water is so hard and then you can breathe really easily. So yes, we have had a wet winter and it's still raining. We now have allergies to look forward to when we have all been struggling with this foul and vile virus which had had most of us in tow...we can't get rid of it. probably because we don't do cold and wet very well. A lot of people though have been pleased to have the cold and wet after such a hot dry summer. I am not one of them. I like my sunshine. The water is good though.

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