
Friday, September 26, 2008

Duty of Care

Court grants 12-year-old an abortion - ABC News
It is thought to be the first time the court has been asked to consider the lawfulness of the termination of a minor's pregnancy by the use of a drug.

I actually believe this is a good application of the law even though I will say I am anti abortion. I think it is used too often as contraception and I think abortions are carried out too late and then there is no after care for the emotional trauma which can occur down the track. I believe we need to think in terms of not letting abortions occur. This case is a 12 year old girl who is allegedly of low intellect and emotional maturity. She is 18 weeks pregnant though. How come it has taken this long to deal with it ? Why has she not been helped sooner? then who got her pregnant because that is really very serious under these circumstances and it seems she is carrying all the blame and consequences of that? What has happened to the person who got a 12 year old pregnant? I hope she will be okay.

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