
Friday, September 26, 2008

Building Regulations

Family told shed can't be home | The Australian
Department of Planning and Infrastructure chief executive Richard Hancock said the shed was not classified as a "habitable structure".

With the price of housing we might have to be a bit more careful of the sorts of pressures we put on people. If the home is neat, clean tidy, meets the cyclone code and has facilities then I think you create a realistic action plan which is lodged to keep the home online for being classified as "habitable". I think each home would have to be judged on its merits and the 'working towards" needs to be a viable option which is monitored because we have far too many homeless families. Astralians used to be able to live on their blocks and then build the eventual proper home. I think we need to go back to our history and spirit and encourage some sensible home planning along those lines. If people can build houses themselves then they need a time frame and an approved process to be able to do this. I'd like that kind of approach because ti genuinely helps people to get a home. The rental market and home purchasing markets are becoming inaccessible to far too many. It would also mean we'd build up our skills in creating homes. Home options are very limited and that isn't how we were.

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