
Monday, August 04, 2008


What a scary experience that has been. I got nagged. Pleaded with so I put up a Facebook site. OMG!!The advantages are obvious within 5 minutes. You can quickly contact others on the network and re-establish friendships lost to the past or overseas. That is an incredible bonus. Then you find some people use it because they feel they are going to be overnight successes and media celebrities, so there are a lot of posey pictures. It's hard to make the page look good and you can't really customise it like you do with blogging. Then the exchanges are very short. I guess a cross between emailing and texting...but the contact is there and that can warm your heart and do others good. So in terms of bringing people together it really has a good place in our society and yet you see it is very juvenile and driven by what people think are the interests of younger people. Some of the apps are traumatic. Not as good as Google Gadgets or widgets around the place for blogs. Some of them are vile and viral and I can understand why they said that those apps were killing Facebook. Pretty sad world when you do in something which brings others a lot of pleasure. Then I get the feeling that Facebook is too limited. There is a lot of potential there. I could see purpose built groups being created and it would be and easy way of managing some of our social stuff. It would be great for seniors to keep in touch with their families , friends and former friends, I could see that bringing a lot of joy. I could also see it working as an alternative classroom where you gathered a group of disenchanted kids and a teacher together online. It could also work as a way of creating life coaching and fitness coaching groups. I think Facebook has limited itself and it's not the only technological tool which has myopic vision because it gives young people what it thinks they need instead of catering to all age groups and interests.

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