
Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Buckets of sea water thrown into ailing Murray : "'I think we've done more today with one bucket of water for each person than the politicians have done in the last two years to try to save this river and this town,' he said."So what do you blog about when the Olympics are over? Something closer to home. Something close to our hearts. Goolwa. What has happened to Goolwa because of our drought and then the lack of capacity to manage the Murray River, is heart breaking. We have been concerned about it. You cannot grow up in Adelaide, you cannot live long term in Adelaide and not feel for Goolwa. We have spent our childhood and teen years there. We have friends there. Our families might have holiday homes there. Our families might have holidayed there. We all know Goolwa and a lot of people live there now. Why? They like messing around on the river. It's calm, peaceful and a place to get away from it all. It is scenic beyond belief and the home of the Coorong and Lake Alexandrina. The home of our wildlife. People have boats there and they cannot sail them. They have been left high and dry. It was coming. We could see it. No one planned and no one helped. The locals are doing what they can to bring this to our attention and rightly so. But we think about Goolwa on a daily basis and we have talked about it all through the hot , dry summer. There isn't any water. There used to be a river. There has been talk of building barriers to protect the lakes and the Coorong. Water is being taken from lake Alexandrina to save Lake Albert. We need more. We need those barriers so the bottom end can be flooded with sea water and people can get back to mucking about on the river. Goolwa needs help and now, that's for sure.

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