
Saturday, August 09, 2008

Ecstasy Haul

Ecstasy haul unlikely to make any difference: "Adelaide emergency doctor David Caldicott, who has a special interest in illegal drugs, is surprised by the amount of the seizure and applauds the agencies for their work.

But he also doubts it will have much of an impact on demand and supply."

This is good. Now we are starting to understand what some of the pressures and problems are. If we have a demand for this amount of drugs and more....what is the matter with us? I get the bit about the amount of money some people make. It translates , however, into a massive personal cost to families and the general community. It means we spend millions trying to overcome the problems these drugs cause. So where is our thinking? We need to understand why people have such a great need to chemical enhance themselves...but not realise it's chemical degradation. The more we talk, the better we'll understand and then we'll be in a good position to take the meantime we just have to keep locating the stuff. We can get very good at that.

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