
Sunday, February 24, 2008

MP urges old guard to announce retirement

MP urges old guard to announce retirement : "An opposition frontbencher has urged former Howard government ministers who have moved to the backbench to announce their retirement from politics by the middle of the year."

Actually, there was some pretty animated discussion on the radio this morning from Liberals and non Liberals alike and it gave me a chance to feel heartened again. There are still some Liberals with all their faculties about them who are willing to resurrect the party and get it into the 21st century. Then there was animated discussion about the situation in Parliament and other issues. It's what we need. We need to be talking about things and debating issues. We don't need to avoid work because we are not work avoiders. We don't need to avoid thinking because we love a good all in, no holds barred discussion of any topic and that is what we need...some depth, some breadth and politicians who want to work for our country and keep each other honest. Fundamentally that is what it is about. A good government gets on with the job and deals with what we want dealt with and what we see as priorities and then guides us into the new areas we need to broach. A good opposition keeps them honest and makes sure that all issues are on the table..that there is no hiding out. Like it or not we need to get ourselves into the 21st century and we need to operate in an international arena so we need to come up to speed. We don't need people holding us up.

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