
Monday, February 25, 2008

Call for ads to tackle street crime

Call for ads to tackle street crime : "Mr Twentyman said children as young as 14 were arming themselves with knives because they felt unsafe and youth had become desensitised to the proliferation of weapons on the street."

Where is the role modelling for a violent culture coming? Where are kids getting the idea that tooling up is a good idea? Creating an ad campaign for this is going to be very tricky. It may well not get through to the very people it needs to get through to . It is true we need to counterbalance violence with other , healthier ideas and images but we need to work out why kids want to be violent. What is in it for them and why are happier options being rejected? It would need to come through peer pressure and making it very uncool. How to do that is the thing but we are never weak when it comes to getting the right mix in ad campaigns and we often get the messages right because we are essentially creative and very practical in our approach.

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