
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Firebug in the ranks

Firebug in the ranks : "A RURAL Fire Service volunteer has appeared in a Sydney court to face charges of lighting a string of fires in the city's northwest."

Brings up all the same issues as paedophilia where those people seem to find the jobs which bring them into contact with children...but is that what arsonists do? This person is only 19, he has been a volunteer with the fire services but now has 11 counts of arson against him from the end of October 2006 to this week....all in the same area for what he calls "an adrenalin rush." What he has done is really serious...more than serious. He would know that because he has been working as a fire fighter. Surely he wasn't working as a fire fighter during the times he was lighting the fires? Have they allowed him to volunteer all that time or has it only just been found out that he lit those fires? It would mean he was maybe only 17 at the time he started. Maybe he is not at all emotionally ready for fire fighting because bush fires are ferocious. It would be scary and it would create an adrenalin rush - terror. It sounds more like he is traumatised because it's the same place all the time. Think about it. It just isn't normal to volunteer to be a fire fighter and then light fires. You'd be racked with guilt, in a state of panic and unless he is completely divorced form his feelings...he cannot be allowed to be a fire fighter and he needs to be watched because he is now not safe. He sounds like he needs a lot of help because he appears to have led a normal life until now.

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