
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Labor voters' confidence starts to sink

Labor voters' confidence starts to sink : "Most economic indicators show the economy is booming, or at least was until the end of last year. Housing finance figures released yesterday, for example, reveal that the last official interest rate rise in November did not dent demand for housing finance."

I love it. Labour has just walked into office and they are now responsible for global finances. We knew the interest rates were coming. That was spelled out quite clearly during the campaign and anyone with half a brain knows the economy is globally driven these days and we shall have to look at our role differently. The media has done nothing to encourage the new government. It's the same old whittering on , sledging of people trying to do a good job and total negatives and undermining of the good all the time. On and on with the negatives, the potshots. We are are so over ti and want a more circumspect approach. The interest rates have to go up as part of the property boom and the management of the business end of the profiteering from property, as I have said many times before. Until you get the double whammy of getting mortgagee sales and then forcing those people into rental properties you don't make the financial killing from people who don't understand that property and shares are manipulated over time so the rich can get richer and they are very good at it. So, let's have some honesty, let's start talking about everyone and let's get a chance for the senate to be reformed and Labour to start managing. The finances have been controlled by whom for how long so the the impetus is coming from those who were in charge. That was all set in motion. We are not that stupid. So...start talking to us properly....and remember more than 2 people ought to be able to run this country ...because we are stuffed if we only have 2.

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