Cancer agents found in Tasmanian devils : "Dr Lloyd-Smith said: 'We are surprised at these levels of this product being found in an animal that lives in remote and reasonably pristine areas."
It's a race against time to find these chemcials which are flame retardants used in computers,white goods,carpets,bedding and our furniture. The researchers are right to question if it can affect the Tasmanian devils with the disastrous facial tumours, what on earth can it be doing to our local population who have flame retardants around them all the time? No need to panic yet until the researchers have done their job. They need to know how the Devils became exposed to these chemicals. They need to know if there is a link between these chemicals and the facial tumours and then they need to know what impact these chemicals have on humans. That is a lot of research and it will be done carefully and slowly. Time we looked long and hard at the chemicals we allow into the environment...and we did something about it. We are nuts for letting this go on.
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