
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Child porn raids net 31 men

AdelaideNow... Child porn raids net 31 men: "A TOTAL of 31 men have now been arrested on child pornography offences in a massive Australia-wide operation involving state and federal police."

Good. Keep going and don't stop until we have the message out there is no money in it, no point and no value. I do wonder what goes on in the heads of some men because this stuff has occurred for centuries so it's something we need to get into the open and look at in the harsh light of day. Money has certainly driven it. It has to stop. No excuses, but we do need to understand why some men are like this because most men are not. It has to be a male thing which maybe men can explain if they are allowed to do so without fear of retribution and censure. We need to talk about it openly so we can understand it ...and then stamp it out forever. It's no way to treat little children. Not in any age or any culture. So, go team you have been fantastic.

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