
Friday, December 21, 2007

Japan harpoons US on humpback deal

Japan harpoons US on humpback deal : "'To take this sort of action without first picking up the phone seems very unfortunate and smacks to me of inexperience.'"

Oh really? na na na na na! I am so glad to be shot of sniping , childish politics and it's about time they and the media learnt. We do not deserve it. We never did. It diminishes us but it's also heartily irritating. It's been great to have a Government who just talks to us, gets out there and picks up on what we are on about, tunes into us and then delivers some kind of an intelligent, considered response. The inexperience from the stupid, childish comments we get shows up really well now. As for the whaling...well, we'll just have to keep on keeping on and deciding what we are prepared to accept. If nothing else we can keep Japan honest and that's what friends are about. Friends are about calling you to account and they do not accept stuff and nonsense. We do not want to be party to whaling and we do not want it in our waters. If the Japanese want to eat whale then that's a different matter to be negotiated...but we eat what we want, including our national emblems!

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