
Friday, October 19, 2007

Greens to host rival debate - with worm

Greens to host rival debate - with worm | The Australian: "'I don't think John Howard's got the ticker to have a Green there (at the official debate),'' Senator Brown said."

So who is Bob Brown going to debate and why is it on at the same time? He's at least cottoned on to the fact that you have to have a worm to have a say! Honestly. The country has lost it. I'd like to see all three of them debating. At least the Green one has an audience . I love how the people who actually matter are constantly left out and marginalised. Our country. Our democracy. Our debate. I want to hear all of them. As it stands we are not allowed to...well, that is how it seems. I somehow want something open and civilised so we can hear people speak. It ought not to be an us and them and a them and him. Can't someone get some sense into this because it's driving me crazy.

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