
Friday, October 19, 2007

Glossy brochure just a 'dirty trick'

Glossy brochure just a 'dirty trick' : "Mr Fawcett said yesterday the brochure showed the 'shallowness' of the ALP. 'They claim I'm out of touch, but the photo is me at a community fundraiser in the electorate.'"

They seem to have forgotten the Liberal who ran amok on the Net and had to have his site pulled. Honestly, Kevin Rudd asked for the brochure to be removed, but for pity's sake. We are adults we do not need to be told what to think and we do not need this silly nonsense. Let's get our teeth into something decent..or has everyone lost the capacity to think and act in an adult fashion? While Mr. Howard has been getting stuck into Chaser , we have been laughing our heads off because they can speak several sentences which are syntactically correct and which create thought and more thought. When they go to far , we know. We are not stupid and we are sick of this tripe.

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