
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Food, housing pushing up inflation

AdelaideNow... Food, housing pushing up inflation: "One of the biggest cost blowouts over the past year has been a 21.5 per cent surge in the prices of vegetables. The price of bread jumped 8 per cent."

Yes, mortgage rises and food costs will impact on us all. They are different issues however. The drought will affect the cost of our food because we haven't been able to supply everything in vast quantities as we usually do. It means looking at farm practices, water management and global warming. These are hot issues which need to be dealt with. We can manage the food costs if we think about it and if we are given the correct information about what is freely available and what isn't. It's called budgeting and it will take some of our time but we'll get our heads around it. We'll also do our bit towards global warming but we truly need better leadership at the top. Our best green advice is coming through the media and they are to be heartily congratulated for getting right into it and working out ways and means of giving us information and then strategies we can adopt. They have developed a real sense of community about this. I daresay they will come to the party on the food prices and availability and work with us on the work arounds.

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