
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Abuse fight targets social sites

Abuse fight targets social sites: "CEOP research shows that, while chatrooms and instant messaging services are the main places sex offenders go in search of victims, social networks are attracting them too."

Fighting predators online ought to be easier than in real life because notification can be instant. It puts the power into the hands of the one who is being harassed/stalked/cajoled/enticed. It means an online user can report instantly but could also ask for help instantly via chatlines or email. It has taken us a while to work this out, but we do have to work out how we'll manage the reporting and the police and any other helpful organisations need to know how they will manage and maintain the online presence and monitoring. It would take a lot of pressure off. It would mean ISPs can be identified and the "game plans" can be deconstructed and fed back to the public as useful education. it is about information, education and then an effective way of dealing with the online alert system. it could be managed internationally. it could use tried and trusted people who might not otherwise be able to work outside their homes. it's a good breakthrough.

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