
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Federal Election 2007 | AdelaideNow

Federal Election | Federal Election 2007 : "FIND out which political party best fits your views on the big issues."

This is so exciting!!! We now have choices!!! We have never had choices and each site is different, interesting and information rich. Then they all have a sense of fun. It's called balance. It's called discussion. Thinking, no less. Oh, I am so excited. Adelaide Now has its own election 07 site and a good one it is too. Full of news, interactivity, things to do, things to discuss. It really is a well organised, well constructed site. So now we have Yahoo7, ABC and our own Adelaide one...and other sites attached to the newspaper sites of our choice. It's great. The media have got the pollies on the Net and they are getting us to participate in a real election where we look at platforms, promises, critical issues,spin, claptrap and seats. Pulling it together this way is a very energetic and enthusiastic way of embracing the very thing which affects all of us...our government. We can't just shrug and say, I don't care. We need to get in there and do our bit. The Net makes it so easy and given our media people have led us ably on climate change initiatives, they are demonstrating once again they know who we are, what we want, how to deliver it and can do that with verve. It has actually encouraged them to get out of the rut and do something more interesting and imaginative. This is our country. Our future...and now we have election sites. Well done, you guys, fantastic!! I'm so excited.

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