
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

False lobby created for urban delinquents

False lobby created for urban delinquents : "A 12m shipping container has been furbished to create the illusion that it is the foyer of an apartment building, with door and windows, interphone, digicode, letter-boxes, false lift and a staircase leading to the roof."

Yes, I suppose running the gauntlet past a group of youths, depending on what mood they were in, would be intimidating to get into your apartment. It's hilarious how they have made a false lobby, but it's a good idea. The young people obviously want a place to hang out which is like a cubby house and sheltered from the elements. It tends to suggest they want a little place to go to meet up and talk as other age groups do. urban planners need to think about how we can accommodate the meeting places of young people so they are positive rather than negative. That's the trick. A group of kids together can often get into mischief and so people do not like to see them as a big group together. I think we need to think about it. They often like t be somewhere that's a bit different and a bit exciting in terms of venue. They used to use quarries here and sink holes, but now it seems to be shopping centres and parks. Maybe they need to be incorporated into the urban planning talks.

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