
Monday, October 29, 2007

Supernanny parent help hotline

Supernanny parent help hotline goes 24/7 : "NSW Minister for Community Services Kevin Greene today said the Supernanny Hotline would operate around the clock from today, having previously been available six days a week, from 9am to 4.30pm."
The service is available to all of us but will only refer us to NSW services. it's a good start. The difficulty with city living s that people are often coping alone. In rural areas they can become isolated too because of distance. We do not have the same access to friends and relatives as do people who are in small communities. So, to use technology to bridge that gap is sensible. people need to run their ideas past people and they can often be comforted by knowing someone is listening and on their side. I hope we expand such services because I think we need to put back in some way the things which support us...and that's people!

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