
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Abbott admission fuels union debate

Abbott admission fuels union debate : "'In fact I moved a resolution to go on strike one day after consolidated press management sacked the whole photographic department.'"

Exactly. Unions are good when you want them and it's far too easy, for some reason, to allow them to be viewed badly when so many people have benefited form unions. There are times when they focus on things you don't like, but then you tell them. They are driven by people who want work place conditions and change. Look at how we were before unions. I have been glad of my union on more than one occasion and when I think they've got the focus wrong I let them know. So why focus on unions? Shall we also look at who's been to private schools, the gender make up of the front bench, the bank balances, the religious persuasions and allegiances? We could look at other things too. All seems a bit silly to me.

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