
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Crushing Tyranny of 'Geekspeak'

Wired News: Crushing Tyranny of 'Geekspeak':
"Besides collecting information from around the web, Yahoo also has hired four high-tech advisers to share their insights with daily updates. Each adviser will cater to audiences based on stereotypes — 'The Mom,' 'The Working Guy,' 'Techie Diva' and 'The Boomer.'"

Doctors speak doctor speak, plumbers speak plumber speak, chefs talk chef speak...why do we call them geeks and why do we object to their language, as though they have no right to converse in their own terms like botanists, zoologists, teachers, accountants. Technical people seem to be much maligned at times! Like any expert I find the best approach is to ask what someone means by....If I have a comprehension problem, I ask. I find technicians very good at demystifying their language and explaining what they mean if you ask them. In my experience they are pretty patient people. I think it is our problem. We are the ones who think they have the problem! I am curious to know how this part of yahoo goes. My bet is that it will be a useful service and people will use it. I am not sure about the streotype profiling. I am not convinced wearing our stereotypes is the way to go about it. The probem as I see it is there is way too much choice at teh meoment and things are changing too fast. You get fed up choosing and you get fed up working out what does what and then you find some things do everything. From that point of view the Net is more than useful to assist you in narrowing the options and then working out what is available. I always cruise the Net when I am up for a new purchase. When I go buying I then feel pretty confident. If Yahoo can offer that advice in one place, then I think it'll be successful.

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