
Monday, September 10, 2007

Holistic Treatment

Drugs treatment ignores darker side : "'It is an unfortunate tradition in the health system of providers only wanting to deal with areas they have expertise in and neglect other areas, for example, mental health and drug use. They need to treat people holistically,' Ryan says."

It's probably true. A lot of people with mental health issues are probably drug users and a lot of drug users probably have mental health issues in the first place. We need to paint a more honest and detailed picture. We need to insist anyone getting treatment is off drugs but that that issue is taken into account. We also need some early intervention stuff. The denial and sweeping it under the carpet is not working. I know it would probably be difficult for parents to deal with this whether they have to acknowledge their child is on drugs or their child has a mental health problem. We need to find a way to get it out into the open so we can deal with it early. The sooner the better.

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