
Monday, August 13, 2007

PM rejects climate rebel views

PM rejects climate rebel views : "'On the planet inhabited by people who hate the Australian coal industry,' Mr Howard replied."

Oh really! Honestly. No we do not hate the coal industry but coal pollutes. Open mining pollutes. Cole mines are dangerous. Fossil fuel is contributing to global warming. We have plenty and significant evidence from scientists all around the world to allow us to believe that our behaviour as human beings is contributing to global warming and climate change. That's why the climate scientists have been having international conferences and why we have been reading about their findings. Our human practices need to be changed and using fossil fuels is one of them. I cannot believe that those with scientific credentials, who have been studying this, can be so easily discounted. I cannot believe we can be told we hate the coal industry. It's blatant nonsense. We need to change and we need to change we actually need leaders who can think and talk about the issues with some credibility.

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